LIFAFA लिफाफा - SUPERPOWER 2020 सुपरपॉवर २०२० - ALBUM COVER.png

I wish it was in better circumstances but today will be the day I release SUPERPOWER 2020. Yes, its 2021 and so I lied.

We live in one of the greatest experiments ever run in the history of humanity. Never has so much been compressed into so little and forced to endure. Where time moves us, it's impossible to know, but for now, we are a part of it. This album is not about a country but that experiment called India and all of its people.

I had a very difficult time finishing this one, from both a personal and technical perspective, but I hope you hear what I hear when I listen to it, and you go, where it wants you to.

Thanks to Aditiya Singh for the incredible artwork. He will be one of the greatest. Special thanks to the BJP for the great song titles.